Sunday, January 20, 2008


I know that many of you have become disheartened with the war in Iraq. The current administration has made many mistakes that have cost our country dearly. While I do not think it is time to leave, and still have hope for success, I believe that it is time for change. With my military experience my strategies would be more intelligent and increase our chances for victory. Many of my plans for Iraq have been backed by both parties. I do not believe that we should back down, and that we should bring our troops home when our goals have been accomplished.
At the same time I will not ignore the wants of the American people. If it is overwhelmingly obvious that the American people want to bring the troops home I will agree to this, but not illogically. I will pull out the troops in a way that will make sure no more harm is done to the Iraqi people.
All of that being said, I still believe that we can win this war.
God bless America, God bless you.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Your Voice

I am writing this post as as a way to hear the views of my supporters. I believe that it is very important for our countries leaders to take into consideration the thoughts of the people they represent, whether they agree or disagree, they can bring insight.
Here I will post my ideas on what should be done to better this country. But I also want this to be a space where I can see the views of my fellow citizens.
The first topic I will discuss is immigration. My views on this subject have been highly criticized by my party members, I am often called to soft on the issue, but I believe that my proposals are fair minded, practical, and to the benefit of America.
Currently there are approximately 12 million illegal immigrants in our country. Many of my party members believe that we should each one of these people and send them back to their country. To be honest I feel that idea is ridiculous. There is no way that this action can be implemented, and if it could the cost would be tremendous. In a time of fiscal deficit this course would be irresponsible.
I feel that we should offer citizenship and the rewards that come with this to those who are willing to work and assimilate into our country. Most of us here now would not be if our ancestors had not been given the same oppurtunity.
At the same time I realise the importance of securing our border. And I feel this is also pertinent.
Feel free to leave comments. I want to hear the opinion of my fellow countrymen.
God bless you, and God bless America.