Sunday, January 20, 2008


I know that many of you have become disheartened with the war in Iraq. The current administration has made many mistakes that have cost our country dearly. While I do not think it is time to leave, and still have hope for success, I believe that it is time for change. With my military experience my strategies would be more intelligent and increase our chances for victory. Many of my plans for Iraq have been backed by both parties. I do not believe that we should back down, and that we should bring our troops home when our goals have been accomplished.
At the same time I will not ignore the wants of the American people. If it is overwhelmingly obvious that the American people want to bring the troops home I will agree to this, but not illogically. I will pull out the troops in a way that will make sure no more harm is done to the Iraqi people.
All of that being said, I still believe that we can win this war.
God bless America, God bless you.

1 comment:

jewels said...

Having military experience, HOw will you change the situation in Iraq? You expressed that you do not want to back down, so what will you do differently?

My name is Julie Stauder from the Davis Enterprise and I want to ask you a few questions, maybe a quick interview via email- I have no way to contact you- please email me at if you are interested